Strategic Analysis Division

The objective is to provide the customer with analyzes and reports useful for planning their company policy, offering decision makers indispensable information support to guide them effectively in managerial choices

Qualified and constant information that is transformed into knowledge is today one of the main successful assets for achieving the company’s strategic objectives.

The understanding of the markets, of the economic, political and security dynamics, but also of the chosen interlocutors, represents a fundamental tool for the correct and safe setting of the activities.

It therefore becomes the main tool for preventing and adopting the necessary precautions in good time.


  • Description of the specific risk.
  • Identification of the actors involved.
  • Identification of the affected social groups.
  • National state institutions involved and competent in crisis resolution.
  • Worsening or transformation of situations already reported.
  • Analysis of the actions to be implemented and possible ways out of the crises.
  • Analysis of the evolution of the political situation.

Today, management has taken on a strong central role, both in terms of the strategic connotation of the various aspects relating to safety and the surrounding environment, and in terms of internal governance of the company.

The latter, in particular, is the technical-organizational capacity to promote and implement interventions and manage a multiplicity of institutional actors, creating an integrated approach resulting from an overall strategic vision.

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